Membership in the Girls Choral Academy requires a commitment to faithful, consistent and punctual attendance. Choir membership is a privilege and as such, it is expected that rehearsals be considered high priority in each girl's life. Each singer holds a valuable place in her choir, and each section and choir are affected with only one girl absent. As such, all rehearsals and performances are mandatory unless otherwise indicated. Parents and guardians: we are well aware of, and appreciate the hard work required of each of you to support this policy to encourage excellent attendance throughout the season.
GCA celebrates each singer who has maintained a perfect attendance record at the end of the season and we hope to have many this and every year!
Excused Absences
Students are allotted 5 (five) absences, excused or unexcused, per semester. These absences may only be used for regular weekly rehearsals and NOT for dress rehearsals and/or performances. A choir member may be excused from rehearsals for illness, a death in the family or a conflict with a mandatory school event.
Report an upcoming absence in advance
In order for an absence to be excused, your Choir Director must be notified before 3 PM on the day of rehearsal. This may be done on the website by clicking the REPORT AN ABSENCE button or emailing: Failure to notify your director of an absence will cause the absence to be unexcused.
-Turn in your Conflicts in Advance! Should you know of an upcoming unmovable schedule conflict that prevents you from attending rehearsal, please use the same REPORT AN ABSENCE button to share the conflict so your director is informed ahead of time.
Ongoing Attendance Issues
After two unexcused absences, the choir director will contact the parents/guardian of record to discuss the singer's commitment to the choir program.
More than 5 (five) absences will result in the singer being placed on probation. A singer's suspension or possible dismissal from GCA will also be considered pending the circumstances; the outcome of which shall be at the sole discretion of the GCA Artistic Director.
Attendance at Dress Rehearsals and Concerts
All dress rehearsals and performances are mandatory. An absence, for any reason, from a final dress rehearsal before a concert may result in the singer being excluded from the corresponding concert. If this event, the singer should contact the Choir Direct and not arrive to the concert expecting to perform unless arrangements have been discussed and approved by Director.