Finding Inspiration in Every Voice
Established in 1979, the Girls Choral Academy, now led by Lisa Knight, is a non-profit, premier choral organization, located in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
To empower girls through music education and performance. Utilizing various methods and opportunities for strengthening vocal technique, music theory, and presentation skills, we are constantly striving to develop confident and skilled young musicians while celebrating the joy of singing and the power of community!
GCA is a diverse group of fun-loving girls who are excited to sing, and highly skilled leaders who are passionately devoted to musical excellence and the power of music to build up self esteem, develop confidence, and connect community. The chorus is valued for its connections to community groups and the opportunities it provides for young girls of varying skill levels to develop their musical capabilities.
Two major concerts are presented annually in addition to appearances in a variety of community events and venues. Members of the chorus are inspired and energized by their collective musical experience and the camaraderie and supportive environment they create for each other.
The GCA seeks to advance our mission by embracing diversity and inclusion in our membership and in our audience. We see the love in all girls no matter the race, sexual orientation, physical ability, religion or creed, national origin, and also in cultural background, life experience, thoughts, and ideas. Every child is a treasure to our passion and purpose and empowering them makes us and them more able to contribute to making a difference in the world through song and action.
"We are the music makers, we are the dreamer of dreams"
- Willy Wonka